Monday, May 17, 2010

Happy Birthday, Max!

My Baby turned 5 yesterday. He is my clone and my biggest challenge :) This child can push my buttons like no other, yet he is also mama's boy. He is definitely my clothes horse already. He prefers jeans and a button down shirt to sweats and a tshirt. In fact, when he was going to head for his shower last night, he walked into the bathroom and said, "I looked goooood at my party today!"

We had a mini golf party for him where he invited all the boys from his class and a bunch of friends from his daycare. he had a blast and loved all of the gifts that he got :)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

too much on the plate...

Sorry, its been a while! Our plates are down right overflowing this spring, so let me catch you up...

Rich and I - Rich is getting up at 4am most days to ride his bike in the dark and still leave for work by 6 (at the latest). He is Mountain biking as much as possible and even got on a sponsored developmental mountain bike team!

I have a lot on my plate at work (all good stuff, just a lot), am playing soccer still (LOVE IT) and am trucking kids around to their various activities!

Tim - Is playing on the minors league (8-9 year olds) in baseball and is doing fabulously. He pitches often because he is really good at it... although he didn't warm up correctly last night and we think he pulled his shoulder! His coach is nominating him for the under 9 all star team this summer!

He is also playing lacrosse and absolutely loves it. This is under-11 and Tim is still the biggest kid on the team. I think that he really likes the more aggressive sports. He enjoys playing attack so he can score goals, but the couple of times they put him at goalie, he was fabulous!

Sam - Sammy is also playing baseball in the rookie league and is doing well. He still sort of gets distracted in the field, but hits and fields really well when he is paying attention :)

He also just made his first communion. He was absolutely adorable and his class did fabulously. Pictures below.

Max - as i said previously, he is a handful. He has started T-ball and is also loving it. The first practice one of the coaches saw him throw and asked him if he had played before. To which Max said nope. Then tonight at practice, Max threw him the ball and the guy caught it with no glove. Had to shake his hand out after that catch!

His 5th is coming up on the 16th and he is having an indoor mini golf party. He is very excited to turn 5. He asks every day if it is Sunday yet!