Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas 2008

2008 is almost at an end and I know I didn't post as much this year as I did last year, but who knew kids would make you so busy :)

Christmas Eve was spent with Rich's family as usual, and as usual, there were way too many presents for the kids to all bring home :) Christmas Day was my parents, and brothers, and my sister and brother-in-law (although they ditched us before dinner this year :) )

The kids pretty much got a lot of what they wanted (Sammy's list was 3 pages (He'll say it was 2 and a half) long!) But they loved everything they got, it was all open before dinner even started, and they were bored with before my parents even left :)

But here is a quick video of the two days.

By the way, I do have more photos of the first snowstorm as well as a visit with my best friends from college that will go up soon :)

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