Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The Cardiologist and my B.P.

Yesterday was not the kind of day that you should have when visiting the cardiologist. Everything I had said my appt. was at 1... but when I walked in they said it was at 3... OK, no big deal these things happen, so they still took me in to do my BP and my ekg and said they would try to get me in sooner... (B.P. was 142/90)

So I waited and waited and finally at 2 told them I was running back to work to get my laptop because I might as well get some work done while sitting there. Got back and found out there is no wireless in the office so I couldn't really do any work!

So I played games on the computer and at 3:30 (yes, 30 minutes after my appt. was supposed to happen), I shut my computer. At 3:50 someone who works there was walking through the waiting room and said, "You're still here? How long have you been waiting?" I said, well, my appt. was at 3, but due to a mistake, I've been here since 1. So she went over to the receptionist and they got me in within 5 minutes.

So, by the end of it, the verdict is... All of my tests were normal, so there is no extraordinary reason for my B.P. to be on the high side. I can go back on Birth Control... and she put me on a Calcium blocker and we'll see how that goes.

1 comment:

JSmith5780 said...

Good thing they didn't take your BP at 3:50. I know I would have blown a gasket by then!

No seriously, glad all the tests are normal!!
love ya!