Friday, November 23, 2007

Thanksgiving weekend recap

Busy busy weekend! Turkey Day at my sisters was great. The boys had a good time and all the food was tasty! After dinner we walked to the playground so that the boys could play. The mild weather really helped!

Friday morning I was up bright and early to do some shopping. I got to Toys R Us at 4 am and there w as already a line a quarter of the way around the building. By the time they let us in, the line was around the building! I grabbed my stuff and was out of there by 5:10! Then headed to Target and got in line there as well! Not as bad as toys r us though! All in all pretty much got the 2 older boys done.

For the most part we just hung out on Friday and Saturday. We did go to Rich's bike race on Saturday morning in the freezing cold, but Timmy loves to cheer for him, so it was fun. It helped that the race drove right by a playground as well! We had Rich's 15 year high school reunion on saturday night, which was fun until I had about 1 (ok maybe 2) drinks to many! That made Sunday a really hard day for me.

But after a couple of naps I was good to go and ended up chasing lucy around outside for 4.5 hours. The boys let her out by accident around 3 and i finally got her in and bathed at about 7:40. Not fun. But overall a good long weekend! Here's some pictures from Thursday.

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