Friday, August 28, 2009

Happy Birthday, Sammy!

I know I recently did an "all about Sammy" post and Max is next on the list, but I need to say Happy Birthday to Sammy.

Today, my second baby is 7. I really don't know how they are getting older because I'm not.

We knew from the beginning that Sammy was going to be a prankster. Even as a baby, we'd comment about how he always joked around. But even parents comment on it now. That child does everything with a smile. Whether it was karate, reading, or talking to another parent, he always has a twinkle in his eye. (The only exception I can think of is football, although I can't see under the helmet, he may still be grinning under there).

He starts second grade this year and continues to be the youngest in his class, but keeps up and excels in so many things that I know he is where he is supposed to be.

Happy Birthday, baby!

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