Friday, June 29, 2007

Ahhhh, the weekend!

Soccer was good last night, I actualy managed to score a goal... something that I am normally not very good at. I did stop a few goals though and have the bruise to show for it!! I ended up meeting a friend for a couple of beers last night afterwards. I did find out that the place we went doesn't do shots! What's up with that? OH well!

Work as usual is fairly crazy, so I am prety happy its the weekend. Although I have a feeling that I'll be doing some work over the weekend to get ready for next week!

Tomorrow we have karate and then a cookout at a friends house tomorrow night. Should be a lot of fun! Then Sunday I'll bring Sammy over to his cousins for a sleep over. They have a blast together, and it gives me one less kid ;) Tonight, hubby is going out, so no big plans for dinner. I just need to figure out what to feed the boys. I'd love some sushi, but not sure I can get the good stuff easily with all of them. We'll see!


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