Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Good day so far

Wow, it must be my day today!!

First, as I went to the doctor for my light treatment (I'm getting phototherapy for my eczema), I was walking in and noticed that the 2 valet guys stopped talking as I walked by. Well, one of them had been leaning on a pole and when I walked by I noticed him turn around the pole to watch me walk in. (I saw him in the reflection of the window). The first thing Rich said when I told him, "WHat were you wearing?" ;) Totally made me feel good.

Then on the way to work as I was coming down a ramp and suddenly hear screeching tires, I look behind me and someone totally spun out coming down it. If I was 1 second later, I totally would've been behind them.

Now I"m at work and I was expecting a totally crazy day of meeting after meeting and both my 10 am and 11 am got cancelled. Woo hoo!! I can totally get other stuff done now! Maybe, I'll buy a lottery ticket later!

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